2014 Documentary.
December 30 2014Live Event
December 16 2014Live Event
Stop Fuckin Wit Me at the DJ booth.. Scream and Leah

November 25 2014Live Event
November 18 2014Live Event
November 11 2014Studio
In the studio flowing the brushstrokes.

November 1 2014Live Event
Live painting under moonlight on a crisp fall evening with good friends. SoCal doesn't get any better than that for me.

October 29 2014Studio
The Royal Flush Queen - JuliannaIn the studio touching up this piece from 2013. Sometimes you gotta let your shit breathe for a while.

October 23 2014Studio
There can only be one. Enter the Dragon motherfucker!

October 21 2014Live Event
Masquerade: a custom Mask Art Show with Thumbprint GalleryLaying down the first layers of Eartha Kitt as The Catwoman by the DJ booth listening to my own soundtrack

October 18 2014Studio
October 17 2014Studio
I'm an Agent of Chaos - Nurse JokerThe thing about chaos.. it's fear. You Live.. You Die....

October 6 2014Studio
"No Hard Feelings Harvey"I'm Just a Dog Chasing Cars.. I wouldn't know what to do if I caught it. ..

September 30 2014Live Event
September 23 2014Studio
And though you fight to stay alive.. your body starts to shiver..

September 16 2014Studio
First Lady of the Mississippi Flush Gang. The student has become the teacher..

September 13 2014Live Event
September 3 2014Studio
Added a translucent leotard to finish the piece.

September 2 2014Studio
I Still Want To Be Your Lover...Prince update. This is the second draft after the first was destroyed. I Want To Be Your Lover

August 31 2014Studio
August 30 2014Live Event
August 19 2014Live Event
August 18 2014Studio
Mississippi Flush member. I think you better do whatever the hell he says..

August 16 2014Live Event
Motherfuckers you don't want to Fuck With. That's what the Mississippi Flush Series is all about. Jack Bauer and the motherfucken Jules Winnfield

August 15 2014Live Event
The following takes place between 11:00pm and 12:00am...Always wanted to say that.
Jack Bauer from 24

July 22 2014Studio
sketch of Jack Bauer from 24huge fan of the infamous CTU agent and badass motherfucker of my generation. This piece sets off the Mississippi Flush Gang series.

July 18 2014Studio
Ohhh yeah. I'm excited for this show!
July 12 2014Live Event
July 4 2014Studio
July 1 2014Live Event
Impromptu Pre-ComicCon Group show with Daniel JaimesIn the spirit on the incoming geek invasion, I join in the hysteria at Claire de Lune with a group of talented SD artists.

June 26 2014Live Event
Elite Yelp event benefiting the ArtHatch Teen program.
June 21 2014Live Event
June 17 2014Live Event
June 11 2014Studio
May 30 2014Studio
Fab Five Freddie told me everybody's fly...DJ's spinning I said my, my...Flash is fast, Flash is cool..
Queen of Clubs: Debbie Harry of Blondie

May 20 2014Studio
sketch of Debbie Harry from Blondiebig props to Blondie for over 40 years of music. Some of my favorite songs growing up are from this group. Queen of Clubs: Debbie Harry

May 13 2014Live Event
May 8 2014Studio
May 3 2014Live Event
April 28 2014Studio
I Want To Be Your Lover...
April 23 2014Studio
sketch of Prince from his 1979 albumHad some big ass leftover wood panels so decided to paint another icon from my favorite decade. King of Clubs: Prince

April 8 2014Live Event
April 8 2014Live Event
March 29 2014Studio
added more highlights to the hair and cleaned up the fingers and white dress. This piece sold and is one of my favorites of the Royal Flush Gang series.

Queen of Clubs: Jennifer Lawrence
Royal Flush Gang
Opague Watercolor of Maple Panel
32" X 48" X 2.5"
March 25 2014Live Event
March 22 2014Studio
March 21 2014Studio
March 20 2014Studio
working on King of Spades inspired by the late actor James Gandolfini.

March 11 2014Studio
oohooahh hoo hoo hoo wooahoo.. I won't miss you child...applying detail to King of Clubs: Mick Jagger while listening to the Rolling Stones.

March 8 2014Live Event
progress pic of Queen of Clubs: Jennifer Lawrence. She's almost done but need more detail cause I'm a perfectionist.

Queen of Clubs: Jennifer Lawrence
Royal Flush Gang
March 5 2014Live Event
March 5 2014Live Event
March 4 2014Live Event
Tonight, I will be working on another piece from my Royal Flush Gang series.

Jimi Hendrix: "I Got My Club Right Here Baby"
Royal Flush Gang: Dead Man's Hand
February 25 2014Live Event
This shows was about video game art. I'm not a gamer, but can relate to the folks cause I threw down with a Commodore 64 back in the day. Tonight, I worked on another piece from my Royal Flush Gang series. This is the Queen of Clubs inspired by Jennifer Lawrence from the film "American Hustle".

February 23 2014Studio
February 11 2014Live Event
By the garage door at Basic.Another angle of the bad boys Jimi and Tupac

February 11 2014Live Event
HeARTwork: a Valentine's Day art show with Thumbprint GalleryYes, it's single awareness day and I'm throwin down at my favorite spot! I brought Jimi and Tupac to the jam with beats kickin all night by my boy DJ Pokkey

January 22 2014Studio
WesssSide and Fuck The World...
January 21 2014Live Event
OK, I admit I got schooled on Garbage Pail Kids but I still don't get why they were so popular. Began applying first layers of paint on Tupac. I brought The King of Spades: Paul Walker along to assist.

January 7 2014Live Event
No Laughing Matter: a comedian art show with Thumbprint GalleryMixed emotions tonight. With the Jack of Spades series I get to express how I really feel. These pieces reflect what I'm saying inside. Thanks to paint and canvas I get to express it to the world without opening my mouth.
